Did you know you can beat the heat while saving money, too? Here at The Lighting Corner, a lighting store with locations in Grandville and Grand Haven, we offer the best in energy-savings fans for your home or office space. Learn more about these great fan options, and shop in person or online today!

Save Money With Our Energy-Savings Fans
Did you know you can beat the heat while saving money, too? Here at The Lighting Corner, a lighting store with locations in Grandville and Grand Haven, we offer the best in energy-savings fans for your home or office space. Learn more about these great fan options, and shop in person or online today!

Invest in LED Light Bulbs
LED light bulbs use less energy than incandescent, halogen, or CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) lighting, but they produce the same amount of brightness. Thus, you'll be using less money to light your room, which will save on energy costs.

Raise Your Thermostat's Temperature a Few Degrees
LED light bulbs use less energy than incandescent, halogen, or CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) lighting, but they produce the same amount of brightness. Thus, you'll be using less money to light your room, which will save on energy costs.

Only Use the Ceiling Fan When You Are in the Room
Since ceiling fans only work by moving air around, they don't need to be running when you are not in the room. After all, there will be no one in there to feel the benefits. Thus, to save money, be sure to turn your ceiling fan off when you exit the room.

Still Use Your Air Conditioner
Ceiling fans can help you save money because they move air around a room, generating a cooling effect against the skin. When you use your air conditioner in conjunction with your ceiling fan, the ceiling fan will move this cooled, treated air around for optimal effect.
We would love to have you stop by our West Michigan lighting store, so we can help you find the perfect ceiling fan for your needs. Stop by, or shop online today!